Tag Archives: EC2

New AWS-AMIs in Singapore

We just made XLT 4.2.9 AMIs available at AWS-EC2 ap-southeast-1/Singapore. Here is the list of all XLT-AMIs available. Happy testing!

  • Java 7
    • eu-west-1 : ami-71e1fc05
    • us-east-1 : ami-b03845d9
    • us-west-1 : ami-00a38a45
    • us-west-2 : ami-17fc6f27
    • ap-southeast-2 : ami-4514877f
    • ap-southeast-1 : ami-caa1e898
  • Java 6
    • eu-west-1 : ami-73e1fc07
    • us-east-1 : ami-be3845d7
    • us-west-1 : ami-7aa38a3f
    • us-west-2 : ami-3ffc6f0f
    • ap-southeast-2 : ami-4714877d
    • ap-southeast-1 : ami-c8a1e89a

XLT 4.0.5 Amazon-EC2 AMIs available

These are the AMI-IDs of the XLT 4.0.5 images for Amazon-EC2.

  • EU-West: ami-772b1d03
  • US-East: ami-52649b3b
  • US-West: ami-29bfec6c

Images can be used free of charge. The EU image is brand new and features Ubuntu 11.04. It has also a smaller disk of only 8GB compared to 15GB before. This helps to make it eligible for a free tier micro instance. Of course this instance type is not recommended for load testing, but you can easily test deployment and remote execution of XLT before you move up to more expensive setups.

Availability of new XLT 4.0 EC2 Images

There are new public Amazon EC2 images (AMI) available each running 4 agentcontrollers of XLT 4.0.0.r6019 on ports 8500 to 8503. Feel free to use them for your load testing purposes.

  • EU-West: ami-9b5064ef
  • US-East: ami-5647b63f
  • US-West: ami-539dcd16

The usage of the images is free or charge but you have to pay your AWS usage costs of course. Please keep in mind that you need a valid license to run a load test with more than 5 virtual users.