XLT 4.0.5 is out

We just released Xceptance LoadTest 4.0.5. It is a minor update and recommended for everyone. But you might have special interests if you use the Script Developer heavily.

Besides a few defect fixes, release 4.0.5 delivers four great improvements to speed up test case creation and maintenance with Script Developer and make your work more productive.

  • The XLT Script Developer runs on Firefox 4 and 3 now.
  • Test variables are now resolved recursively, so you can use variables within resolved content.
  • There is no need to open modules anymore if you want to edit a line or two of it. Also enabling/disabling of module code can be done easily from the main test case. This saves time and aids script maintenance.
  • During script debugging and script execution, you can now evaluate assertions instantly to see whether or not your verification expression will match.

The full set of release notes can be viewed directly in the release area. You will also find documentation and the download link there. As usual, th