Tag Archives: release

XLT 4.12.2 Release

Xceptance released version 4.12.2 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest. This is an improvement release. We recommend upgrading to this newest version.

Test Framework

  • Improvement: The result browser features a new tab that displays JSON responses in a tree-like view. The data can also be searched and filtered.
  • Improvement: The existing automatic request retry mechanism has been enhanced to retry failed requests in additional error situations such as connection resets. This should now behave similar to real browsers.
  • Improvement: When failed requests are retried, an event with diagnostic information is logged for each retry.
  • Improvement: The bundled Jetty library has been updated to the latest available version 9.4.14.

Load Testing

  • Improvement:  Our public AWS machine images now come with OpenJDK 11.

Make sure to read the full online release notes.

As always, this upgrade is free and don’t forget, XLT itself is free as well. You don’t have an excuse to skip performance testing or rely on lame simple test cases anymore.

XLT 4.12.1 Release

Xceptance has released version 4.12.1 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest.

Test Framework

  • Fix: Our timer recorder extensions for Chrome and Firefox did sometimes report invalid request entries that could not be processed by the report generator. This could happen for requests that did not complete.
  • Fix: If a test case deliberately caught an exception / assertion error and afterwards ran to completion successfully, it might nevertheless be marked as failed in the load test report.
  • Improvement: Selenium has been updated to the latest version 3.141.59 and HtmlUnitDriver to version 2.33.3.

Load Testing

  • Improvement: The new AWS data center in Stockholm, Sweden (eu-north-1) is fully supported by ec2_admin now.

Make sure to read the full online release notes.

As always, this upgrade is free and don’t forget, XLT itself is free as well. You don’t have an excuse to skip performance testing or rely on lame simple test cases anymore.

XLT 4.11 was released

Xceptance released version 4.11 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest. This is a feature release. We recommend upgrading to this newest version.

Here is a selection of the most important changes:

  • HtmlUnit and Selenium have been updated
  • You can run a test case with only a single data set at development time
  • XLT picks a data set automatically when a test with multiple data sets is part of a load test
  • There is a new command-line tool to automatically evaluate a test report based on your defined success criteria
  • The XLT Jenkins plugin returns a result object now with all the details when used in a pipeline
  • The XLT Jenkins plugin can now create a comparison report

See our release notes for more details. As always, this upgrade is free and don’t forget, XLT itself is free as well. You don’t have an excuse to skip performance testing or rely on lame simple test cases anymore.

XLT 4.9 has been released

Xceptance released version 4.9 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest. This is primarily a 3rd party update release, but also delivers some improvements.

Here is a selection of the most important changes:

  • Script Developer supports Firefox 53
  • Selenium updated to version 3.4.0
  • Better reporting of JavaScript errors in script test cases
  • Master controller displays the configured load profile
  • Load test reports can be created for a subset of agents
  • Load test reports shows the number of entries in data tables and shows summary values when filtering the table
  • Demo app server ports can be reconfigured easily

Script Developer

Script Developer has been made compatible with the latest available Firefox version, while outdated versions are not supported any longer. Script Developer runs on Firefox 45/ESR up to 53 now.

Update Instructions: Firefox will not auto-update older versions of Script Developer to 4.9.0. You will need to do this manually. Please remove the currently installed version first and afterwards install the new version by simply dragging and dropping the file xlt-scriptdeveloper-4.9.0.xpi onto Firefox. Auto-updating within the 4.9.x product line will then work as usual again.

Alternatively you can visit the Mozilla Add-On marketplace and install Script Developer from there (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/xceptance-script-developer/). Please make sure you uninstall your locally installed version first.


XLT now ships with Selenium 3.4.0. Make sure you update your locally installed driver binaries to the latest available version. This is especially true for geckodriver. In case you experience issues with geckodriver / Firefox, you might be better off running FirefoxDriver in legacy mode. The legacy mode is more mature.

All other core libraries have been updated as well. This also includes HtmlUnit for an improved browser emulation.

The XLT framework also comes with some functional improvements. In case a JavaScript expression in your script test case could not be evaluated successfully for any reason, the root cause will now be listed as part of the exception message. Libraries that make use of Java’s built-in logging framework do no longer log to the console, but to XLT’s log file.

Load and Performance Testing

The Mastercontroller now prints the configured load profile to the console when starting a load test and also when displaying the current status. This helps to spot test configuration mistakes earlier. Intermediate results downloaded, while a load test is still running, will now be flagged to distinguish them from final results.

The load test report shows the number of entries in a data table, and when filtering a data table, the footer row is updated accordingly. Load test reports may also be created for only a subset of the agents. You might remember that version 4.8 already delivered the ability to render reports for specific test cases only.

Last but not least, ec2_admin prints more details about running AWS machine instances and lets you review your choice before actually terminating running instances.

Demo App Server / Posters Store

The app server that hosts our demo applications uses ports 8080 and 8443 by default. Since these ports are often already used by other applications, you can now reconfigure them easily.

Our demo application Posters Store now runs with HTTPS only. Any HTTP request will be redirected to use HTTPS.

Sounds interesting? More details can be found in the release notes of XLT 4.9.

Release of XLT 4.8

XLT 4.8 is primarily a technology update release, but also comes with some new features.

First and foremost, XLT now ships with Selenium 3, the new version of the WebDriver library. All other core libraries have been updated as well. This also includes HtmlUnit for an improved browser emulation. Beginning with this release, XLT requires Java 8 to run.

The XLT framework also comes with some functional improvements. XLT now supports OperaDriver out of the box and can run FirefoxDriver in either the new Marionette mode using geckodriver or in the “old” legacy mode. When you drive Firefox via XltFirefoxDriver, you will get a much more detailed result browser now, with almost the same request and response details that you already know from XltDriver. Any values that you programmatically add to the newly introduced value log of a session are shown in the result browser as well. Furthermore, most of the XLT framework properties can now be configured not only globally, but also specifically for a certain test scenario.

For load testers, there is something in the box as well. If you use the AWS EC2 cloud a lot, you will be glad to hear that the new AWS data center in Ohio is now fully supported. The load test report has been tuned to become usable much faster, even with lengthy pages such as the Requests page.

Last but not least, the Poster Store demo application and the XLT Jenkins Plug-In have both been updated. If you ever wanted to load-test your WebDAV server, there is now a new demo test suite for that.

Sounds interesting? More details can be found in the release notes of XLT 4.8.

Release of XLT 4.7


Xceptance released version 4.7 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest. It features a wide range of improvements and new functionalities.

Here is a selection of the most important changes.

  • Script Developer fully supports test data sets now
  • Script Developer learned “post steps” for easy cleanup or tear down of test cases
  • Script Developer and the framework support the new echo command for enhanced debugging
  • Load testing supports a variable load factor function to easily and globally vary load quickly
  • Load test reports display DNS resolution time
  • Load test reports display error charts per error type and response code
  • Data tables and charts for custom values display more details
  • Data tables have sticky headers for easier data evaluation
  • Load test reports can be created for specific test scenarios by filtering to include or exclude specific scenarios during report creation
  • XLT can log method and POST data to its timer files
  • All core libraries have been updated for improved browser support and improved performance
  • The new Amazon data center in Mumbai, India (ap-south-1) has been added

See below for more details of the highlights. Make sure to read the full online release notes.

As always, this upgrade is free for everyone.

Continue reading Release of XLT 4.7

Xceptance released XLT 4.5

Xceptance released version 4.5 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest (XLT). This release enables you to write better test documentation, delivers more scripting capabilities, and shows really cool charts.

XLT 4.5.1 ScriptdocScript Developer has been enhanced to let you maintain the documentation of your script library directly in Script Developer. This way you can create and maintain your test documentation together with the code and don’t need to be able to read the code to understand the test cases.

Load testing is even more fun now. Continue reading Xceptance released XLT 4.5

XLT 4.3.2 is available

Xceptance has released version 4.3.2 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest. This is an improvement and bug fix release. More information about this release can be found in the release notes.

Script Developer

  • Improvement: Support for Firefox 27.
  • Improvement: Usability improvement when sorting test data entries or module parameters.
  • Improvement: Native platform line endings are used when exporting Java code now.
  • Improvement: Script migration errors are now written to the log panel instead of to messages boxes.
  • Fix: No error message anymore when two scripts have the same name but are located in different packages.

Result Browser

  • Fix: Query parameters were incorrectly parsed because the fragment (#…) was included.


  • Fix: WebDriver features were not exposed when WebDrivers were reused.

EC2-AMIs with Java 7

  • eu-west-1 : ami-3650a641
  • us-east-1 : ami-d33a01ba
  • us-west-1 : ami-5ef4c91b
  • us-west-2 : ami-ce97f4fe
  • ap-southeast-2 : ami-fd0c92c7

Xceptance Releases XLT 4.3

Xceptance released version 4.3 of its load testing and test automation product Xceptance LoadTest. It features a wide range of improvements and new functionality.

As always, this update is free of charge for every user. You can use XLT freely for your daily automation work, regression testing, and performance validation. If you are an eligible Open Source project, you can get a full XLT license for your load and performance testing needs for free as well.

Script Developer

Enjoy more automation with less clicking. The new information panel summarizes the specifics of the currently selected item, so you do not need to open it anymore. Additionally, the new log panel lists all executed commands and their respective parameters.

If an element is styled with the CSS property text-transform, then the element’s text on the screen may have different character casing from what is defined in the page’s DOM tree. The WebDriver specification mandates to return the text as shown on the screen. Script Developer will now record text with the the character casing that appears on the screen and it will also take the CSS property text-transform into account when replaying text assertions.


The XLT load test reports have been improved by adding more charts and data details, such as overall statistics for all timers. Arrival rate charts have been added to visualize the load development over time and make sure the desired load factor was reached.

Charts can now optionally be configured to be logarithmic. A capping can be added to hide larger spikes, which usually make charts hard to read, without removing the important information altogether.

The new networking section summarizes all general network-related statistics and charts on a separate page.

The error and event page has been redesigned and includes a new error chart that contains separate graphs for all transactions/actions/requests so that the temporal distribution of transaction/action/request errors is displayed in one chart. A new error summary table groups all errors by their error message to help you see which types of errors occurred and how many of them.

Load and Performance Testing

The master controller features two new commands to validate the availability of agents and  display their current configuration. A new command line option permits the skipping of result downloads when XLT is used as a load generator only.

Framework Extensions

A set of new commands is available in Script Developer and in the framework: commands such as assertAttribute, assertStyle, assertClass, assertEval, and their matching store and wait equivalents.

XLT can now send and receive IDs as part of the request to ease the correlation of server-side logs and test results. XLT may send a randomly generated alphanumeric ID as request header or extract such an ID from an arbitrary response header.

When dealing with different test environments, different load profiles, and/or different test data at the same time, managing different combinations of configuration settings can be challenging. The new property file include feature makes it easier now to predefine aspects and reuse them later in different configurations without copying and pasting.

When a test case reads a certain setting from the configuration, the framework uses a fallback strategy when doing the property look-up. This strategy performs an additional look-up step now, based on the transaction name (the short name to which the full class name is mapped). This additional step lets you parameterize different transactions differently, even if they are mapped to the same class and therefore share the same code.

The webdriver that will be used when executing functional tests can now be configured via properties. This allows greater flexibility and hardcoding is not necessary anymore.

When XLT executes XML script test cases with a WebDriver instance that is capable of taking screenshots, it can take a screenshot after each action, if desired.

Result Browser

New Result Browser UIA new look matches the overall styling of reports. Also, the navigation bar can now be resized, requests are color coded to visualize the content type, and the first page is displayed automatically. URLs are now active links, so you can click them easily.

If needed, the content of a response can be beautified for certain content types (HTML, JavaScript, JSON, CSS). This includes formatting and syntax highlighting.


  • XLT is shipped with an empty test suite project that can be used as a template for your own projects.
  • HtmlUnit has been upgraded to version 2.12.
  • WebDriver/Selenium has been upgraded to version 2.39.0.
  • EC2 admin console permits setting a tag name now.

Amazon Machine Images

The Amazon Machine Images (AMI) listed below are available for public use. Using these images is free of charge, but require that you own an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. Please make sure that your EC2 security group permits communication on port tcp/8500. AMIs with Java 6 are no longer provided.

  • eu-west-1 : ami-ceae46b9
  • us-east-1 : ami-2510394c
  • us-west-1 : ami-e4ccfca1
  • us-west-2 : ami-9ebadeae
  • ap-southeast-2 : ami-617be45b

If you need XLT-AMIs in Tokyo, Singapore, or Sao Paulo, please let us know.

Purchase Licenses and Support Online

Licenses and support can be conveniently ordered through our XLT Self Service Center. You can instantly download licenses and purchase support right when it is needed. All your invoices and previous licenses (when purchased online) are accessible at any time.

We will notify you before your license or support runs out, so that you will never miss that again. This enables you to continue your daily automation and load testing work without interruption. Please note that we do not renew your contracts automatically, so no strings attached.

Visa and MasterCard are accepted. All credit card data is processed and secured by Wirecard.

Where to get it

More information about this release, the Quick Start Guide, and the Manual can be found in the release area. The full XLT 4.3.0 package can be downloaded here.

This upgrade is free of charge for everyone.

Xceptance LoadTest 4.2.10 released

We released Xceptance LoadTest 4.2.10. It addresses four defects and is a recommended update release.

  • Strange long delays when replaying test cases using Firefox 23
  • A sporadic I/O exception indicated static content download problems, but was caused by the internal connection management
  • JavaScript urls have been evaluated in the wrong context
  • Loading default frame content may have overwritten already created content

You can find more detailed information and the download link in the release notes for version 4.2.10.