Tag Archives: browser

WebDrivers in XLT: How to Run Test Cases in Multiple Browsers

Update: Before you continue reading, here is a new version of this test suite and article: Multi-Browser-Suite for Test Automation. It makes things a lot easier.

Have you heard of XLT Script Developer yet? If you have, you’ll probably agree that it’s a convenient tool to record and run automated test cases. However, with it being a Firefox plugin, you’re basically bound to run your test cases in Firefox. Wouldn’t it be nice to reuse Script Developer test cases in multiple browsers? You can actually do so by taking advantage of the WebDriver API that is part of the XLT framework.

If you don’t know much about WebDrivers, you should continue reading this article – the first one of a little article series on WebDrivers that hopefully gives you a good introduction to the topic.
Continue reading WebDrivers in XLT: How to Run Test Cases in Multiple Browsers

Handle authentication during WebDriver testing

Sometimes authentication is necessary before a test case can be executed. While HtmlUnit based tests can easily enter and confirm authentication requests, most browser based tests, cannot workaround the dialog. This is a browser security measure to prevent automated data capture and/or data entering. WebDriver for Firefox delivers a solution for that problem, but IE and Chrome rely on a manual interaction with the browser before the test automation can run.

The following steps describe a solution for the authentication problem and how to run a script test case as WebDriver based test. The key to this solution is the usage of Sikuli, an image based testing tool that directly interacts with the screen to find the right elements by using the screen.
Continue reading Handle authentication during WebDriver testing

One digit version numbers only, please!

Just read about a nice small software problem at Opera. Their latest browser is version 10, but they couldn’t continue to use the version number in the user agent string, because some web sites try to identify the agent version and fail with 2 digit version numbers. Seems to be similar to the famous Y2K problem, but now it is a BVN problem – a browser version number problem.

“…It appears that a considerable amount of browser sniffing scripts are not quite ready for this change to double digits, as they detect only the first digit of the user agent string: in such a scenario, Opera 10 is interpreted as Opera 1. This results in sites mistakenly identifying Opera 10 as an unsupported browser, thereby breaking server, as well as client-side scripts…”

Read more at Dev.Opera.

Google wendet sich vom IE6 ab

Google hat sich entschieden, Problemen bei der Entwicklung von Webapplikationen aus dem Weg zu gehen und kündigt die Unterstützung des Internet Explorer 6 auf. Auch der Support vom Firefox 2 läuft aus, aber den nutzen ja die wenigsten Leute, weil das Update auf Version 3 einfach ist. Zudem war der FF2 nicht schlecht bei der Einhaltung von Webstandards und dürfte locker dem IE7 das Wasser reichen können.

Das ist ein gutes Signal, denn wenn der Marktführer es vormacht, dann werden viele Leute und Firmen nachziehen.

Many other companies have already stopped supporting older browsers like Internet Explorer 6.0 as well as browsers that are not supported by their own manufacturers. We’re also going to begin phasing out our support, starting with Google Docs and Google Sites. As a result you may find that from March 1 key functionality within these products — as well as new Docs and Sites features — won’t work properly in older browsers.

Mehr dazu im Google Enterprise Blog.

Einige aktuelle Zahlen zur Nutzung verschiedener Webbrowser finden sich bei Bivingsreport.

Wenn sich Proxies einmischen

Wenn sich Proxies in den Datenverkehr einmischen, dann kann das schon mal zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen führen. Hier hat sich zum Beispiel der Datenoptimierer des deutschen Vodafone-UMTS-Netzes eingemischt.

Apache/2.2 Server at foobar.webpack.hosteurope.de Port 80

Wenn man sich eine Software von Vodafone runterlädt (HighPerformance Client), dann kann man den Datenverkehr beeinflussen und dem blöden Proxy sagen, dass er die Finger vom Verkehr lassen soll. Wobei sich damit der Name HighPerformance Client selbst widerlegt.