Update: Test Automation for Demandware SiteGenesis

SiteGenesis Test Automation

We received a lot of positive feedback on introducing our sample test automation suite for Demandware SiteGenesis. Have a look at the original post containing a video tutorial and all information you will need to get started.

It’s our intention to keep the test automation suite up-to-date, so it covers new and additional features of SiteGenesis. The latest update for version 13.3 of SiteGenesis contains the following improvements:

  • Support of the new multi-ship feature of SiteGenesis
  • Better independence of SiteGenesis product data
  • Stability improvements to make the test suite much more stable with reference to timing issues
  • Support for testing in Chrome and Firefox remotely without Script Developer
  • Introducing of ANT support for easier integration into build automation

You can download the test suite here: Test Automation for Demandware SiteGenesis 13.3.

P.S. We do not provide instances of SiteGenesis for testing. You have to be a signed up partner or customer of Demandware to get your own test instance.

4 thoughts on “Update: Test Automation for Demandware SiteGenesis”

  1. I have integrate TDD framework for demandware in automated build scripts in Jenkins. Now I want to integrated XSL Test Automation in my build script. I noticed, it is moreover manual testing tool. How can I make it useful for automatic build process of Jenkins.

    Please suggest.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. XLT creates JUnit test cases at the end of the day, so it runs as normal Junit for the test automation part.

  3. Hi Rene,

    Thanks for your quick reply. I am wondering how we can integrate XLT framework with Jenkins because it requires XLT installation on the test machine. Can you please show me some steps to achieve automated testing using Jenkins for XLT.It would be really helpful.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Thanks Rene for your quick reply. Could you please show how we can configure XLT framework with Jenkins.


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