Category Archives: Testing

Terms explained: Visits, Page views, Sessions, Requests, Hits

Terms explained: Visits, Page views, Sessions, Requests, Hits
Image © Juja Schneider

When discussing possible load test setups with our clients, we usually need to refer to these key terms: visits, sessions, requests, hits, page impressions, and page views. Actually, we don’t need to discuss all of them, but some are occasionally brought up by the customer, some are requested by us, depending on the context (and complex enough to be discussed in a separate article).
Continue reading Terms explained: Visits, Page views, Sessions, Requests, Hits

This is Just a Data Issue

Image © Juja Schneider

Many projects have their closed or “won’t fix” bugs commented with remarks such as:

  • “Content-related issue”,
  • “Won’t happen on live system”, or
  • “This is just a data issue”.

Both the development of new features and data maintenance may be accomplished in different environments. For testers, it’s thus difficult to decide on the cause for a certain issue: is a required text missing because pages aren’t implemented the right way or is it simply not there because the corresponding product data aren’t available in this particular test system? Very often testers work on development systems without having access to latest data. The following is a typical scenario:

  1. Testers report a bug.
  2. The development resolves this bug as content-related and won’t fix.
  3. Testers report further bugs of that sort.
  4. The development gets irritated: “We’ve told them that these are content issues!”
  5. The relationship between testers and developers might really go downhill from there, seriously threatening the project’s success: the credibility of the test team is damaged, developers  don’t take reported bugs seriously anymore, testers get overly cautious and stop reporting content-related problems…

Inevitably, potential bugs don’t get reported and reported bugs never get retested before the project goes live. This is even more true in poorly managed projects because no one really feels responsible to solve this problem.

Continue reading This is Just a Data Issue

WebDrivers in XLT: Test Case Design that Compensates for Inconsistencies across WebDrivers

Still remember the first post of our article series? It talked about how you can run XLT test cases in different browsers. If you’ve done so already, you might have noticed that the behavior of test cases developed in Script Developer sometimes differs depending on the WebDriver you’ve chosen. This article is meant to help you resolve such issues.

First of all, what’s the reason for these inconsistencies? Web browsers differ in their characteristics, such as site representation or functionality, due to their varying support of web technologies like CSS or HTML. You probably know that there is much more we could list, but the major point is pretty obvious already: using WebDrivers for test case execution calls real browser instances. Logically, you’re faced with the same differences as in real web browsers. It’s impossible to achieve a completely consistent web browser behavior; yet you can design your test case as outlined below to at least reduce the differences.

Time: Enlarging time properties can prevent timing problems with dynamically loaded content, like iframes or page content added with JavaScript. Script Developer lets you set an ‘Implicit Wait Timeout’. It allows to specify how long the test should wait for a command to fail while trying to find elements.

Continue reading WebDrivers in XLT: Test Case Design that Compensates for Inconsistencies across WebDrivers

The Art of Reading Performance Test Charts

Powerful load and performance test tools don’t only retrieve pages of your website randomly with zillions of users at the same time, but they also cover realistic scenarios simulating the real-world user. It’s a given that they can deliver lots of useful information and plot interesting charts. To fully take advantage of these benefits, however, you need to be able to interpret this information and draw the right conclusions.

It is this need for the correct interpretation of test results, the mapping of all you see against actual application behavior that makes performance and load testing a non-trivial task. It requires much experience to decide on the right actions, make the right assumptions, or simply come up with a reasonable explanation of why something happened this way and not the other.

In today’s article, we’d like to present you a couple of charts displaying typical response time patterns, and discuss what they could indicate.

Disclaimer: Of course, the reasons for a certain behavior vary a lot, depending on your application and testing. However, as there’s no fixed manual for the interpretation of load testing charts, we want to provide you with a couple of basic guidelines to help you get better in interpreting them yourself and make the most out of your test results. Feel free to comment whether or not you agree with the ideas and explanations we come up with.

The Warm-up

These charts might indicate a system with a cold cache, for instance, when the system has just been started and the caches aren’t filled yet.

The basic characteristics of such a behavior are high response times in the beginning, followed by gradually lower response times until eventually a  certain degree of runtime stability is reached. This time frame is often referred to as the system’s warm-up period. Throughout this period, a couple of things can happen under the surface. If you know the system under test well, you’ll probably come up with the following: database and file system caches are filled, proxies learn about the data and store them, the system under test scales up because it sees traffic, page snippets are cached and so the computing overhead reduces… you name it.

Also keep in mind that it might be the testing process itself that causes such a response time profile. If the system is perfectly warmed up and you hit it, your sent traffic might be too uniform in the beginning. That being the case, randomization kicks in so that the traffic eventually distributes better over time. Furthermore, take into consideration that your load software and hardware are possibly not warmed up either.

The Caching

These charts depict either a typical cache clean or job patterns. In case of a cache clean, system-internal caches expire every half hour. If that’s not the case, the charts may indicate  a running background job draining power from the database or consuming lots of system bandwidth.

Both charts display the same test; however, this test has been executed for different time periods. While two spikes could signify a random event (despite the fact that the temporal distance of 30 minutes is suspicious), the longer test run seems to prove our first assumption: something is going on every half hour.

In any case, make sure that such a behavior is not produced by the test machines themselves, for example, because they’re busy writing or backing up data.

The Spiking

This is what we call a forest of spikes: many spikes that don’t seem to follow a comprehensible pattern; longer runtimes just occur occasionally, often caused by requests accessing certain data or URLs that produce long runtimes. To get behind that mystery, you have to dig into the results in more detail, find the calls behind the spikes, and derive a pattern based on the information you find. Often you’ll come across similar URLs, request parameters, or maybe response codes. Don’t forget any application logs you might have access to, such as web server, error, information, or debug logs. In a perfect world, your application under test offers the necessary tools to get to the bottom of this problem.

XLT lets you easily find this information. All test result data are accessible as CSV files that are quickly readable and documented. Feel free to work with this information and go beyond the scope of the reports available.

The worst outcome here is a non-identifiable pattern and no information on the server side as to what might have happened. In such a case, you have to repeat the test and narrow down your test setup later on to exclude as many variables as possible to find the cause. This is actually also a good time to ask for development or tech-ops support.

The 3rd-party Calls

The first chart is typical for issues with 3rd parties, especially in the field of e-commerce. We’re not talking about direct calls to 3rd parties here, such as analytics vendors or recommendation engines, but calls from one server to the other. Thus, the response time we see is the response time of two systems. Of course, it’s good to know the area where 3rd party calls typically happen, but you have to know the application under test anyway to test it efficiently. So when the final order steps start to act weird, you can easily narrow down the potential reasons.

The second chart looks more like the cache clean or expiration problem described above, but since you know the application, you also know that this area doesn’t use the typical caching logic but is highly dynamic instead. This means that the errors occurring every 50 minutes point into a different direction: as we know that 3rd parties are attached and called during shipping, we can conclude that the 3rd party failed on us.


Knowing typical response time patterns helps you specify a certain problem so that you can give hints to the development or further shape the path of testing. If you can read charts and derive the right conclusions or at least know which questions you have to address, you’ll be ahead of the crowd. Be aware that knowledge on the system under test is very important – the production and measurement of a certain load doesn’t make much sense when you’re not able to actually interpret and explain what you’ve measured. Always remember: 42 is not a valid answer for everything. :)

Successful Software Testing – Communication is Everything

Image © Juja Schneider

Continue reading this article if one of the following statements applies to your software testing projects:

  • Comments about incompetent developers and nit-picking testers are normal.
  • What test data should be used and where it can be found is always unclear, regardless of how often it has been explained before.
  • The same questions are raised again and again by different people.
  • Features known to be incomplete are tested.
  • People report the same defect over and over again.

All these points may indicate that you communicate poorly in your project. As in real life, communication both within the test team and between the test and development department is the key to successful projects. After all, everybody has the same goal: creating software of high quality. Here are some useful tips that will help you to get the most out of your teams:

Communication between Testers and Developers

  1. Get in touch
    Especially in virtual teams often the only point of interaction between developers and testers are bug tracking system; yet it is especially the written word that causes misunderstandings and leads to pointless extra work. Regular calls and actually talking to each other can work miracles here.
  2. Clarify expectations
    Which information do developers exactly need when you find bugs? Which test areas are of highest priority right now? To avoid extra work, try to settle on some basic guidelines right from the beginning and make sure to communicate or change them whenever necessary.
  3. Create a culture of constructive criticism
    That´s probably the most important point of all. There is one goal and everybody is working on achieving it. Thus, each detected and eliminated bug is a step towards a better piece of software and should be seen as a  great team achievement.

Communication within Test Teams

  1. Get to know each other
    This might sound easy, but it´s surprising how little information testers have about each other, even if they work for the same company. This gets even worse if virtual teams are involved! Sharing information about competences and experiences will result in much more efficient work.
  2. Talk
    Another simple but often neglected point. Testing in a team will lead to great success if you share your knowledge and your findings. Group chats can work for some teams, but routinized and beneficial meetings for others.
  3. Share your test data
    Have you ever found yourself in a situation where testing a specific feature took a lot of time just because you had to ask for test data you could use? This certainly happens every once in a while, and it’s actually not a problem if only you need to do so. However, it does become an issue as soon as everyone else in the test team has to request the required data. So find a way to share you test data with all team members – it´s worth it.
  4. Instantly share news
    There is a new release? There is a temporary problem on one of your test systems? Make sure everybody knows about it.

Last but not least, a major point for everyone involved:

Speak the same language
There is bound to be misunderstandings if everybody talks about the same things in different words. The core of successful team communication is a mutual agreement on the terminology used within your project. Try to write it down, even if it causes extra work. It will help new people get into the subject.

A variety of tools makes communication much easier nowadays and doesn’t require much setup: use shared online documents, create mailing lists, and take advantage of chat systems.

To cut a long story short: cultivate a constructive work environment, make sure to always communicate, and share your knowledge. It´s that easy!

Test Case Design – The Unfinished Discussion

This is a topic whole generations of software testers have debated about. Test case design is a very subjective matter, depending hugely on the preferences of the test engineer and the requirements of the project. Although exploratory techniques are increasingly popular in the testing world, scripted manual testing used in many projects.

Image © Juja Schneider

When you are in charge of designing test cases you will have to decide which level of detail you want to apply to your test cases. This level of detail reaches from the vague description of a given scenario to a list of every single click a tester should perform. You can cover several actions in one test step or split them up into several ones. The more details you provide, the bigger your test suite will be at the end.

But which approach is the right one? This answer might not really help you, but: It depends!

Let’s talk about some advantages of detailed test cases.

  • The test case are very detailed.
  • You can ensure that less obvious features and scenarios are covered.
  • Even less experienced testers can perform them easily as a precise sequence of steps is specified. It is often stated that this becomes a candidate for outsourcing.
  • Testers who are not familiar with the target application will get a detailed overview about the system’s features.
  • Complex and critical key features can be tested very thoroughly based on the requirements and specifications.
  • There will be no room for interpretation whether a test case is failed or not.

Sounds good? It is… often. However we wouldn’t have started the discussion again if this is the answer. So what are the disadvantages?

  • The test case are very detailed. Yes, this sentence is supposed to be here.
  • You have to invest much more time and effort into creating the test cases.
  • The maintenance of your test cases is a much larger topic. Every time a small detail changes, you have to adjust the test cases.
  • You may miss creative testing approaches of skilled testers. Test case extensions while testing are unlikely to happen.
  • Re-using test cases in future projects is less likely as test cases are more project specific.
  • Testers may develop kind of a tunnel view. You may know this from your own experience: If you are forced to follow a specific path to reach your target, you may lose sight for details along the way.
  • The test results depend heavily on the person who created the test cases. If he/she didn’t do a good job, the executing testers won’t make up for this during testing. If the test case designed missed important steps, the testers will miss them too.
  • Providing detailed steps without room for alternative paths will magically merge a group of testers into one single tester. While they will follow precisely the steps when detailed test cases are provided, they might use a completely different approach when they have the freedom to look around.
  • If the results are precisely defined, nobody will question what he or she sees on the screen, so you miss the testing of testing.
  • Or taken to an extreme: Detailed aka step by step test cases will turn your testers into human test automation engines with the advantage of additional pairs of eyes. If you get lucky, your testers will report things they see but which are not stated in the tests, such as broken layouts for instance.

So what is right and what is wrong? Some guidelines would help, wouldn’t they? As there won’t be THE ultimate solution, here are a couple of hints about how to find the right way for your project.

  1. Keep the subject of your project in mind
    If you test a medical device, you probably have to have very detailed test cases to satisfy the regulations and document everything as good as possible, because there are lives at stack. Assuming you test just a DVD player, you might go with 20 relatively free and 5 detailed test cases instead.
  2. Consider the skills of your testers
    Highly skilled testers won’t need detailed instructions for all test areas. You may want to define test cases in a more pragmatic way.
  3. Think of your future user base
    If this is an extremely large group, where all levels of expertise exist, you want to reflect that in your testing without driving up the time needed to test. If your future user base is extremely experienced and have to go by the books anyways, such as pilots, you can reflect that in your testing.
  4. Specify the goal and not the way
    Try to avoid the step by step descriptions. Instead of sending someone down a menu by saying click here, here, here, here, and there, you just state: Navigate to X using the application menu.
  5. Challenge your application
    The later real world user will make mistakes you cannot anticipate, so add that jitter to your testing. Give your team room for creativity and for going individual paths.

Regardless if your project subject requires detailed test cases: Try to harvest the power of randomness, give your testers enough power to question anything anytime while keeping control of what has to be done.

The Bipolar Life Of A Software Tester – Continued

Eric Jacobsen from started this little rant about his bipolar life as a tester. You should read it, it is very entertaining. It describes precisely what we feel from time to time. So we felt encouraged to continue.

Image © Juja Schneider

Cool, developers have marked most of my bugs as resolved. Maybe we will be able to launch the project in time!

No, wait…

I will be busy doing retests most of the day. This sucks. I won’t be able to continue my scheduled test cases for today. Test management won’t be too happy with me. I hate doing all these retests.

I’m so proud, because I have completed all my test cases in record time and found so many bugs! I’m a testing ninja! I might be able to go home early.

No, wait…

What’s that? Test management has assigned a whole bunch of new test cases to me? Is this my reward for working quickly? Life is not fair.

But I found this really big bug minutes ago. Wohooo! No regular user will be able to work with that feature. It’s a usability nightmare! Hope they will fix this soon. No way they can go live with this one. …I’m a representative of “a regular user”, right? I won’t even look at the specification. This cannot be right!

No, wait…

I took a look at the specification. It is expected to work like that. The design agency sold this as “visionary approach”. What do do now?

Poor developers! I feel honest sympathy for them. All these bugs I submit really cause a lot of work.

No, wait…

Why can’t they build it right from the beginning? I have so much more work to do, just because they deliver a buggy system.

No, wait…

Would I have a job, if all developers would create perfectly well running software? I should be happy that they are a little sloppy sometimes.

Wait a moment, is this a bug? The weather forecast mentioned “light snow in the afternoon”. I would rather call it “heavy-snowish” – and it is pretty late too.

No, wait…

Maybe this is a “Works as designed”?

P.S: Feel free to continue.

Our Top 6 Software Testing Trends 2013

Happy New Year to everybody! Time to think about 2013 and the work ahead of us.

The ecommerce market is growing and becoming more competitive every day. This means, the customer experience is going to play an even bigger role in 2013. Online shops are expected to be stylish and beautifully designed – but customers are getting more demanding in terms of performance and usability on multiple devices.

The following topics are our point of view on the most important issue that will keep us busy in 2013.
Continue reading Our Top 6 Software Testing Trends 2013